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Currently being Resolved

Browser Version: Ventura 13.5.2 Submitted by: Mrs Hughes Various issues when trying to submit forms. Have spoken with Dorset Council who have agreed to investigate whether there is a particular issue when using Safari browser.
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Browser Version: 119.0.6045.214 Submitted by: Brian Tolfree I can upload 2 images but none of my other images or videos will upload. The upload crashes halfway
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Browser Version: 120.0.6099.225 Submitted by: Bill Stock Error stops the form being submitted. Sorry, that is too long (max 150 characters) error The error refers to the source field on the form but there is no source field ... Shortening the comments doesn't resolve the issue.
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Browser Version: 11.5 Submitted by: Cllr. Shell Durack System times out to soon does not allow you to update a report. Asks you to log back in but when you do, previous answers disappear. I have tried un successfully to update my report three times. System does not support condensed photos in Apple called Zip Files. I do not have time to keep trying to update my first report or down load yet another photo condensing application, my iPad has too many and they all take up file space. This reporting tool is not effective and I have given up the will to live.
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Browser Version: Submitted by: Paul Wittle I'm not getting access codes when doing a full report as a member of the public. This means users will not be able to provide updates. Likely bug that needs fixing.
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Browser Version: Submitted by: Paul Wittle This was caused by a recent fix of another download format.
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Resolved or Closed Bugs

Browser Version: Submitted by: Paul Wittle Test
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Browser Version: N/A Submitted by: Paul Wittle Some records are displaying too slowly. Slow query has been identified and fix needs to be deployed.
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Browser Version: NA Submitted by: Paul We are reviewing some of the functionality of the application for new use cases.
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Browser Version: Submitted by: Paul Wittle The site is running slower than expected so we need to check and speed it up.
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Browser Version: Submitted by: Bug test Devs were not getting notified of new bug reports
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Browser Version: Submitted by: Paul Wittle Second attempt at getting a notification
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Browser Version: Submitted by: Paul Wittle You can draw a new flood area but for some reason the map is not previewing when you get back to the form. This should be resolved.
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Browser Version: Submitted by: Paul Wittle This page should not look like this. The buttons are all out of alignment.
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Browser Version: Submitted by: Paul Wittle Test 2
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Browser Version: 125.0.2535.92 Submitted by: Peter Siret When I try to log in I'm being told I don't have access to this region.
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Browser Version: Submitted by: Paul Wittle Issue preventing logins in regions outside Dorset
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Browser Version: Submitted by: Natasha Tremelling The inside and outside depths of water are not shown when you download a record as PDF
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